Showing posts with label Covid-19. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Covid-19. Show all posts

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

My Online Advice

E-learning is an incredibly powerful tool that many schools abroad have embraced following new Covid-19 cases which resulted in the lockout. But here in Russia, remote learning without quality platforms is becoming less personal, less engaging, and less effective. It is solely dependent on  school teacher enthusiasm and usually involves primitive correspondence courses wherein the student corresponds with his teacher via e-mail.

But, let’s take a look at some of the advantages of e-learning; let's imagine that we are working with an ideal distance learning system. Then what our e-learning - now with Smolensk connection - would be like if we were using such awesome platforms?

Also, I will talk about phrases  and concepts rendered in English which teachers of English as a foreign language can find useful when speaking about remote learning environment.

Point 1. Excellent online advice team.
Often your students need reassurance and lots of conversations to explore the option of online learning; how validated and valued the course is.

Point 2. Fantastic tutors and course leader.
Need enthusiasm, professionalism and knowledge during these challenging times? Look no further!

Point 3. All programmes are 100% online.
Basically, you choose the programme you want, enrol and enjoy access. You take classes at a time that works for you.

Point 4. A wide range of online learning platform activities.
Online tasks must engage the whole spectrum of learners; to be accessible and well-explained.

Point 5. Well thought out modules.
The material for study should give a great deal of flexibility to the student; lead to a more thorough understanding of educational issues, be very formative in their range and depth.

Point 6. Quick Delivery Of Lessons
As compared to traditional classroom teaching method, this mode has relatively quick delivery cycles. This indicates that the time required to learn is reduced to 25-60% of what is required in traditional learning.

Point 7. Access To Updated Content
A prime benefit of learning online is that it makes sure that you are in synchronisation with modern learners. This enables the learner to access updated content whenever they want it.

Point 8.  A vibrant online community.
You can study in your own home and this is convenient. But it can also be a little lonely. So you need a community, where you can collaborate with others on the course and even engage in online debate.


Due to the wide set of benefits it gives to pupils, e-learning may become quite popular and appreciated among students and teachers. But very often there are numerous important drawbacks to e-learning, which we have been experiencing for this month of coronavirus lockout.

Saturday, 11 April 2020

Declassifying Coronavirus Lockout

(Educational Approach)

Word of Experience

Teens like the funnies. Everyone used to have their own favourite but Covid-19 mass hysteria has become a hit getting joy de vivre out of students' heads. It is this aspect of miscalibrated Coronavirus that makes today's comics valuable as a training tool and a method of coping with stress and fear.

     Effective training is no laughing matter – but it could be if you do not subscribe to the social media hysteria peddled by the country's political elite. Just open the Sunday paper to the funny page and grab a pair of scissors...

     So, if you like the idea of using comics for learning, the resources to do so are right at your own ink-stained fingertips, which are hives of nastiness and are home to various types of bacteria, fungus, and yeast - pandemically speaking, of course!

     Time: 15 - 30 minutes depending on variation chosen.
     Materials:  several dozen colour comic strips from the Sunday paper.
  1. Spread a few dozen comics on a desk and invite pupils to read them with a metaphorical eye. What aspects of the characters or stories relate to the topic you are teaching? Are there parallel connections or opposite views that point out contrasts and contradictions? If someone were to write a sequel to a particular comic, what would it be? 
  2. Change the Equation. Take one of the comics and re-purpose it for your own use. Change the dialogue to tell a story or make a point that's relevant to you.
  3. Instead of comic strips, try using screenshots from debunked RT television network fakes... 
  4. Get Creative! Distribute comic strips with the words blacked out. Ask partners to write dialogue for the comic characters so the strip illustrates a key learning point.

* * *
Word of Innocence

Rescued from the shelves of linguistic oblivion, 'decrassify' is a wonderful old word you are probably meeting for the first time. Decrassify is the act of removing what is unrefined, unsophisticated, or unintelligent in something...

I still wonder what the world would be like if we simply had more people who cared about us and fewer people who controlled us. So face-time with family, greet the teacher across the street with a cheery wave, celebrate your Faith, celebrate your hopes and wishes for the world and for each other. We need a bit of good news to look forward to, for a change. Registered & Protected