Showing posts with label humour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label humour. Show all posts

Sunday, 30 October 2016

Real School Essays (Humour)

Using a heat lamp to help my goats handle the cold during Russian winter nites at my granddad's. If I have kids when it's below freezing, I need to be there to make sure they're dried off as soon as possible, or their ears can freeze. Older animals may also have hoof and mouth related problems.
Misha, 16

Never forget the first day I went to secondary... A lass came up to me and said 'oi, u heard you want a fight with me'... bare it in mind I was the quiet one who never spoke to anyone. 
I said 'No' and the lass threatened to leave my face print in the concrete if I showed into school. Later she became my best friend. Great experience, you know.

Kolya, 9 Registered & Protected