Showing posts with label back to the USSR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label back to the USSR. Show all posts

Monday, 16 November 2020

My Humanistic Alternative to Hangman Game

   Growing up in the USSR, a popular classroom board game was Hangman. The teacher would think of a secret word and write the number of spaces at the bottom of the board and the kids would try to guess the letters. Each time the kids guessed a letter which wasn't in the secret word, then the teacher would draw a man hanging from a gallows bit by bit. The object of the game was to guess the word before the man was hanged... It is actually pretty gruesome, and perhaps unsuitable for young learner classes.

    I don't like it. I recommend playing a better game than this which is known as "Bring the shark fin nearer"! Do you see the difference?

    You still have a secret word for the pupils to guess, but this time, a shark is getting nearer and nearer to a pupil drastically trying to swim away doing a magnificent front crawl stroke. It is easy to draw on an interactive whiteboard and the kids will love it. This will make a nice change for them and for me too.

Veronika is the 1st lucky winner, who has escaped the Megaladon teeth!


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