Showing posts with label home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label home. Show all posts

Monday, 7 June 2021

Truly Amazing Childhood... in Emojis ✨

Creative writing assignment (Year 6-9): write your own story with a large collection of emoji pictures. Here is mine!

I used ☠️ my younger cousin's 👶 entire year's savings 💰to purchase a turtle 🐢. This was one 1️⃣ of my first successful 👍 live projects 📌. Then proceeded ⚙️ by the snail 🐌 community 🏘️ I built 🔨.

Next I cut out ✂️ a window 🪟 and a door 🚪from a used up ♻️ mini pack 📦 to accommodate my new friends, the ants 🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜... I learnt 💡about the trail they left when one 1️⃣ of them discovers food 🥘. I found one 1️⃣ of these invisible 🕶️ scented 👃 trails and then dropped 💧a grain of sugar 🧊, which I "breadcrumbed" 🍪 to the specially designed 🏗️ ant house 🐜🛖.

Soon afterwards my mother 👱 beat 🏏 the living day light 🌘 out of me 🤕when she found out a pigeon 🕊️ which lived in my bedroom 🛌. But I  went on 🚶another interesting adventure 🤠 to a lake  4️⃣ 5️⃣ -minute walk 👣 from the house 🏡 to catch 🪝 fish 🎣.

A red 🟥 kitten🐈 was the last 🪦 animal I kept in my room (okay 👌, apart from the 3️⃣ cute featherless birdies 🐣🐣🐣 that got me in trouble 💩 by screaming too loud 🔊 when my dad 👨 walked in, having learnt 💡the sound 🛎️ of my door 🚪means food 🥘).

I know as I began to grow up, my taste for petty creatures 👾💀🗿👻🦄 began to dim 🔅. My company began to change. I was saving to buy💲a fairly used ♻️ Sega Drive 🕹️. But my parents 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♂️ refused ⛔ to buy me any gaming consoles 🎮 because they felt they'd distract 😕 my education 🏫.

Finally, at the age of 15 I gave my turtle 🐢 out as valentines 💕 gift 🎁 to a girl 👧🏼 (a sylph 🧚 really) I absolutely loved 💘 (had a gigantic crush 💜). This became a landmark📍in my life as I began to make senseless  sacrifices (🌈, 📕, 💎,🍬,🍓,🌹,🍧, 📼,🎁,🍷 - you name it!) to her later on but the turtle 🐢 came back 🪃 to me after she became... my wife 💑

Ella, my wife!

Saturday, 6 January 2018

Home Sweet Home

Наше село


   Из всих можных мест постојaнного пребывaнјa, нaјпријемнејше јaви ми се мaло село дaлеко од грaдского шумa, мaло суседство, без многокомнaтных домов в преполньеных блокaх, aле с мaлыми древенными, сельскыми домикaми; просто, неописујемо жилишче, с обывaтельaми, чије лицa сут нaм рaвно знaне кaко цветы в нaшем сaду; мaлы, особны свет зa нaс сaмых, тесно сјединьены и зaтворьены кaко мрaвкы в мрaвјеј копе, или пчелы в ульи, или овце в овчaрньи, или мнишкы в конвенту, или морьaки нa корaбју; кде мы знaјемо всих и јесмо знaјеми од всих, кде интересујемо се всими и можемо имети нaдеју, же вси интересујут се нaми. Кaко мило было бы зaнурити се в тых истинных срдечных чутјaх милого, неведомого вплывa привычaјa и познaти и польубити льудиј около нaс, с всими јихными особливостaми! Тaко сaмо, кaко познaјемо и польубимо все зaкуткы и поврaты тенкых уличек и солнечных луков, кторе мы проходимо всaкы день. Мaло сполеченство, кторым јест сельскa обчинa, јест тaкоже сaмо добро в својеј трезвој ствaрности, кaко в поезији или прозе, долгa, рaзпрострaньенa, мотaјучa се улицa у подножјa крaсивој возвышености, с широкоју дрaгоју попрек, всекдa зaполньеноју возaми и конникaми. Не хочете ли походити со мноју по нaшем селу, льубезны читaтельу? Пут не буде долгы. Мы почнемо нa дольном концу и одтуд будемо шли в врх...

  So, welcome very much to my village! If you ask me, "What lingo do you use here? What is your tribal code?" My answer will be, “I have quite a few though the Междуславjанскы Language is among my favourite linguistic encounters. Its phraseology is wonderful though at times it is slightly subversive and slightly rebellious of itself. Its sound clusters alone are particular areas of life with their own identity, their own banner”. But more importantly, if I were being dismissive now, if we got into an argument, if I didn’t agree, then I might sound a bit more Orthodox and Slavic -- simply because I’m shifting to a more ‘me-voice’ but not a half-way point, for purely pastoral reasons, of  course. Registered & Protected