Showing posts with label pensions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pensions. Show all posts

Friday, 22 June 2018

What a disgrace!

It is estimated around 40 per cent of male and 20 per cent of female public sector workers including teachers and health care workers may not live long enough to claim their pensions under the new rules, as prime minister announced the Russian state pension age would be hiked from 60 to 65 for men and 55 to 63 for women.   
     Putin is by no means a good guy when he is spreading the lies around the globe that people in Russia live longer. The Russian Main Stream Media should be ashamed of itself blithely printing all this pure propaganda and ignoring the suffering of the old people in Russia. And how can school children believe MPs while this atrocity carries on is beyond belief. 
      Expected to be officially adopted by next year, the new policy would mean the country’s retirement age for men would be only a year lower than the World Health Organisation’s estimated life expectancy for a Russian man of 66.
     World Bank echoes this sentence. It estimates also Russian male life expectancy at 66, while the CIA’s World Factbook had it at even 65. Women can expect to live to about 77. The Russian Confederation of Labour said official statistics showed the average life expectancy of men was less than 65 in more than 60 regions of Russia. 
     This proves that the intention to raise the retirement age is not based on available official statistics. What a disgrace Russia has become! Putin's poodles, dutifully trotting out Kremlin propaganda. It doesn't make one proud to be a Russia petitioner any more. 
      What it indicates to me is that we truly are in the slave system. We are basically saving for the government because you’ll probably be dead and gone before actually you can claim your pension. 
      To make matters even worse, 100 rubles today will not buy the same what 100 rubles bought a year ago. That’s pretty obvious for everyone. My own advice to people would be to diversify your assets as much as possible. I would say always try and leave cash somewhere if you have a good hiding place in your house or invest in gold and silver, tangible assets. I can see a time where bank accounts may be frozen by the government. Again this just shows me that we are definitely living in the slave system.    
     Sad story! Registered & Protected